Reaching For Your Power....

Friday, December 3, 2010

Celebrating Love...

This upcoming weekend will my 17th Wedding Anniversary... As I look back over the years I can not believe 17 years have past.. I know that I was truly blessed to have found my best friend along with a great husband. I really believe that this is the key to a happy marriage.  Find someone that you love spending time with more then anyone else in the world and that feeling is returned, you will be able to get through anything.  We have had two more beautiful children to add to the Children we both have, we say his hers and ours... well they are all ours now, but are family is also a source of our strength.  We try to shrug off the negativity that others can bring as we know in our hearts its our immediate family that needs to be the strongest family unit.  With that we will get through anything.  God Blessed me the Day I met Gus,  For that I am forever endetied to the Lord. 

Happy Anniversay to my Wonderful Husband Gus!