Reaching For Your Power....

Friday, December 3, 2010

Celebrating Love...

This upcoming weekend will my 17th Wedding Anniversary... As I look back over the years I can not believe 17 years have past.. I know that I was truly blessed to have found my best friend along with a great husband. I really believe that this is the key to a happy marriage.  Find someone that you love spending time with more then anyone else in the world and that feeling is returned, you will be able to get through anything.  We have had two more beautiful children to add to the Children we both have, we say his hers and ours... well they are all ours now, but are family is also a source of our strength.  We try to shrug off the negativity that others can bring as we know in our hearts its our immediate family that needs to be the strongest family unit.  With that we will get through anything.  God Blessed me the Day I met Gus,  For that I am forever endetied to the Lord. 

Happy Anniversay to my Wonderful Husband Gus!

Monday, November 15, 2010

13 year old is a inspiration for us all!!

This past few days living in the Central Valley of California there has been a news story that has Taken over on most of the broadcasting stations.   In Denair a little Town just south of my Hometown, a school principle took it upon himself to tell Cody, a 13 year old at the Middle School in Denair that he could not ride to school with his bike if he was flying the American Flag...  This decision created a out pour of Support for Cody as parents, Students and residents of all over the United States started showing support for Cody. The news Story brought me to tears this morning as I watched tears role down the cheeks of a precious young man that just wanted to do the patriotic thing and Fly the flag in celebration of Veterans Day.  The school has since apologized and is allowing Cody to fly the flag on his bike, but all of this leads you to really think. 

Living in a area that is culturally diverse, we see flags flying from many countries.  We have Portugal, Mexico, and many others in this area. Flying your cultural flag is a right.  You do those things at home where you are teaching your children about your Heritage, but let's face it.  You are living in the United States for a reason.  That reason was to give your families, kids a better chance of a prosperous tomorrow. 

The principle was acting out of protection of Cody as during Cinco D' Mayo some students rallied and brought their Heritage flags to school and some other kids did not like it.  Well my opinion is, The school is in America, Specific cultural personal celebration should happen at home. 

I am Proud of Cody for standing up for this country and would hope that more children would do the same.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Holidays are upon us...

Well the Holidays are quickly approaching.. It seems earlier and earlier every year the decorating begins... I actually like this as it seems the older I get the faster it comes and goes, so for it to be here a little longer for me is great... My kids are older, (teenagers) so I do miss the excitement of Santa Clause and presents under the tree that they use to once have... Now it is about electronics and vacation.  For me it is a time to reflect the end of the year... To give Thanks for all that has been bestowed upon us and to Thank The Lord for all the Paths he has led us on and taken us through.  It is a time when I love to watch the Oldies but Goodies like " A Christmas Carol" , "Miracle on 34th St." and all the Lifetime Holiday Movies..

It is also a time to enjoy traditions, both old and new.. Some are cooking, vacations spots and gift exchanges.. A time to reach out and see the folks maybe you have not seen all year.... A time to let go of the little things that might have kept you apart.. Now don't get me wrong... big things sometimes just should stay the way they are, but little things,  Let go and enjoy the Holidays with friends and family... I know that is my plan and I hope all of you have a plan in place to get you joyously through this Holiday Season.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sensory Overload..

Sometimes I find myself thinking that "things" just are more disappointing than they used to be~ Then I think "Really" No,  They are not...  It just has become the day of information overload ~ That Things, actions or people are no more irritating today then the were 10 - 20 years ago... It's just we get way to much of them... not to mention it is so easy to investigate a "lie" let's say... Everything is at your fingertips.. so much so people have yet to understand. Social media of all kinds and soon to be more I am sure allows people to think out loud~ They make comments on status updates that my generation used to keep to ourselves.. Oh we thought it, we just would never say it... We were taught better then that.  Is this OK?  Where is the class that is called Social Media Etiquette...  We learned as ladies in my day what side of the plate the Dinner fork went on... It was taught by our mothers... The kids today know more about social media then their parents so who is directing them... It is a age of log on and figure it out yourself... And then people wonder, why are things the way they are today.  Online bullying, well think about it... social media encourages it to some point.  " Status updates are blinking at our kids with stuff like.. How is our mood?  Well surely if they are not cheery the whole world is going to hear about it, who caused it and what that person intends to do about it... even though it is all probably built up out of emotion that made it much more then it really was....Then it is hard to forget about because we just announced it to several hundred friends whom all just jumped on our pity wagon offering to beat somebodies A__... you get the picture... What once was a temporary bad mood that would soon pass in my day,  has just become a "event..."  Probing is next, they will come out with this probe you stick in your head and if your thinking it it will automatically update the social media sights of your choosing....  Laugh now but remember I called it in 2010.

And then there is this  obnoxious updating of your every location... Really people.... Is anything sacred any more... My husband has the IPhone and he started using that AP... I was not aware of it right away, but would get texts from friends that said, Is it packed there??  I'm like what? Ha?  Looking around I am saying, how does she know I am here.... Dinner out with my Husband and Kids should be just that.  Of course I made it clear to the Very wise husband that I did not like that practice and now he asks if he should update our location....

This location AP is gaining in popularity and I have to ask myself, Has everyone lost their mind?  Now of course I can not use names here but I am going to play through a actual Facebook Update... Drop dead gorgeous beautiful friend of mine, whom regularly likes to take sexy photos of herself in the mirror, you get my thought here... basically it is no secret she is little, petite and stunning... Facebook says she is single... Plenty of pics show her home and kids,  both kids not big  enough to offer mom any protection... also her young daughter is as stunning as she is... checks in at night at home... Really... It's like saying, I am home alone with no protection, come get me now!!  This really has made the stalkers job so much easier!!  And this is a parent whom like I said before has a stunning daughter that is learning from her example... Again the need for Social Media Etiquette... and I, the chronic worrying type~ am scared to death for my freinds safety!

Can the location AP be useful, of course it can... you are going to meet a large group at a event, check in let the group know you are there.   Not all things have to be private, but choose those things wisely.

I guess I just sit here and miss the ole days, when we were kept guessing and we really had to pick up the phone or stop by to say hello... Social Media is here to stay and I love every bit of it... I just can not wait until more people use it wisely~

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Closing out a beautiful weekend....

Raising a family, a hustling job life, A busy Wife... Sometimes it's hard to just let things happen....
Feeling the need to get away... Plans were not made.. headed out anyway...
Got to a place, the only opening where we could stay... almost just turned around and went away..
The place was not quite what we had visioned... Not up to par for where we like to stay...
Decided to go on in, overlook the condition... give it a chance for the night...

We settled our selves in, and wondered out for a walk, people were so friendly...
It made me think..We jump to a opinion, sometimes way to fast...
Just because it's not how we would do it, doesn't make it wrong...
Met some family, wasn't really planned that way, It been along time since we
had the chance to catch up... Sat down and started to chat and before we all knew it...
The day had past... We had such a great time... It happened by chance...

Made me think...

The best days in life, happen by accident, Those that happen by accident create the fondest memories... Realizing that your best days don't have to be planned, let's you enjoy them more when they just happen... ~ K. Rodriguez

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Reach high, to keep your power.

There are days, when you feel as though...
You can't catch your breath....
A tightness overcomes your chest...

A positive person, you always try to be..
Today your tired...Reaching High just to prevent..
Your troubles don't overtake..Let's just see...

You can just sit by and watch...
Or Push real High... Feel the fight..
You've just realized, your strength fought...

The fight of your life..You feel from deep within...
You found the strength...for you know now
You will most certainly win....

Times are tough, for this we all know...
Things can certainly get rough..
Only our Power will get us through..

Never stop Reaching...
Reach as High and Far as you can..
To find the Power to Pull you too!

Kathy Rodriguez

Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's a beautiful day..

Waking up to the silence of a still sleeping family..As a mom it is these moments that I have that give me time to reflect on how much I really have.  I love my family so much, and no, not just because they are silent right now, I love them always and unconditionally and I know I am truly blessed to have them in my life.  I have a wonderful man who is truly my soul mate... Don't get me wrong, life is far from perfect, but as far as my sleeping beauties, they couldn't be more perfect to me!!

Always make your "Today" a beautiful day!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Father Lost...

I've lost my father~
For whom I never knew~
There is no going back, Forever gone...

It's a burden to bear~
Always asking yourself~
What could I have done, for him to be there...

The Parents for whom God placed me~
A love they didn't take seriously~
A Mother takes his girls, never for him to see...

Does she ever realize the pain she's caused~
A justification for her, she tries to explain~
She can not give back, all that she taken away...

Thousands of miles in between~
A Daddy and his girls..."Is he looking for me?"
Growing up you are always thinking, Today, Maybe??

Then there comes a day when the sadness fades~
Replaced but not by Joy, by Hate...
A hardness within develops, A wall that just wont break...

Time Passes, Pain don't fade, birthdays come and go~
You never stop the wondering that just maybe..
Today might be that day you hear..

A voice on the other end of that telephone~
One you know you have never heard before~
He asks that infamous question, You've thought this out before...

Do you know who this is on the other end of this telephone?
It's your Dad...he quietly states, pure silence is all that's heard..
More then 20 years have passed, thinking about this every day..

Without much more of a thought..
The anger takes over, A Voice Lashes out...
A Biological father maybe, but never a Dad..

All those years, and it's left just like that...
Who is to blame...who can help heal that pain..
10 more years pass... still harboring shame...

When out of the corner, I hear a chime in...
A instant message has popped up, simply said..It's Dad
Don't turn this off, let me say what I need to say...

Sitting down to read as he slowly typed,
Was the start of a Father ~ Daughter night..
We chatted for hours... exchanged address..

Hand written letters much explained~
Still thousands of miles separated us...
but it was more then I thought I'd ever have..

Finally I could say "I have a Dad"!
We enjoyed our talks, both on the phone and in chat...
I found the anger at him fading... the sad thing was..

It was being replaced by Anger at my Mom...
She had taken so much, when she chose to take him away...
Just can not understand...why she felt there was no other way...

For 10 years we conversed and kept in touch...
Always next year..we will personally get together.. Next year..
One year, next year never came...

One must always remember, there is no definite
of the tomorrows we have to make things happen,
When we need them today, don't let tomorrow never come...

Happy Fathers Day Daddy!  I love you!

Written by Kathy Agan Rodriguez

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When we are feeling tired...

Those of us that are Chronic "multi taskers", which would include all parents out there at the very least... know how it is to not feel your best, but life must go on... To hold that head up and know you feel terrible inside and really just need some rest, but you get up, get ready and go about your day...because we have too... We do it without really thinking, because it just must be done.. I find myself up at 6:00 am today, achy, just not feeling well, but still I tip toe around the house, don't want to wake anyone up. I sat down at the computer and took care of some emails and thought about my day, feeling the way I do, I know it will be a bit of a struggle... But I also know that it must go on without the mention of "gripe"... The negativity that griping would bring to those around, would certainly impact their day. So I take a deep breath and start the day...A Smile On My Face...Happy as can Be... I wouldn't have it any other way! As Jim Rohn once said, "Don't bring your need to the marketplace, bring your skill. If you don't feel well, tell your doctor, but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank, but not the marketplace." A very Rich Man he was... Rich by the means of knowledge, compassion and and the ability to communicate so positively!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I have been following the happenings of a young lady whom set out to reach for her dreams...ReachForHerPower ~ I guess you could call it and I have to say I am shocked that so many people whom seem to be following this since Abby has had problem's with her vessel "Wild Eyes" (As of this morning she is safe on a fishing vessel). I am surprised by the comments and scrutiny her parents are going through. I so wish technology had a way to see through the screen at the judgemental people whom dare say anything negative about that family. My blog doesn't reach many people so for me it is more of a form of venting but how dare you! I wish I could challenge each and everyone of them to ask themselves these questions, Such as "What have my children Accomplished?" "What productive actions have I myself completed?" "And Really "Who am I to judge?" I am sure if they sat back and asked their own selves these questions, they would be hitting the back space on their keyboards before they hit ENTER.. I applaud Abby and her parents. Keeping your kids focused and wanting to follow through with what they start is one of the hardest parts of parenting. And as a Parent, we don't always want to see them do what they do, but we know that letting them excel at what they are good at is what makes them outstanding adults!! I will continue to keep Abby and her family in My Prayers until we hear that she is safe back in California!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Enjoy...Life...Back to the simple way!!

The weekend is winding down, and I have to say it was a great one... In this hectic time, I feel very privileged to have my family and my friends to enjoy absolute quality time. The company of great people reaffirms that we will all get through these tough times. If anyone out there stumbles on this blog, and you are thinking... you know life really sucks because, maybe you don't have that house you lived in last year, or your not making what you used too.... remember the things that are important and put those back to "first" in your life!!.. Friends and Family...and Of Course, your relationship with God... At least the healthy relationships, you need to hold on to and hold on tight. I love the people that I am surrounded by and I love the fact that I know what is important to me, is also important to them. Houses will come and go, Our cars will change... But good Friends and families, and our healthy relationships never need to change if we always keep them as first!! My firsts in my life " I hope you know, I love and appreciate all the time I get with you!" I know I am a very blessed women!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Remembering the Pain...

I found myself thinking tonight about people, specific people that I "Wrote Out Of My Life" 9 months or so ago. Feeling soft, like maybe it's better to be the good person and forgive and forget... now if your reading this the good in most people would agree that that would be best... but is it?? If these people have been toxic to you and you have tolerated it for years before you said, enough is enough... And if not only yourself, but your kids were being hurt by these people... should you ever really get soft and forgive and forget?? Well I am the type of person that always has... Problem is the cycle always comes completely back around and once again, myself and my family is hurt... Well the beauty of it this time, which helps keep me strong is they lashed out towards my family in vicious Emails, And Of course I printed them. When I am feeling weak like I was today, It just takes reading that vicious email to remind me the hurt they have caused. The lesson here is for centuries, we have forgiven people, not because they deserved it, just because we forget about the pain they cause. Toxic People that is... but in Today's world, Toxic people don't just lash out verbally, they do it in Email, on Social Media Sites, Text messages... This type of communication can become a permanent record, permanent reminder of the Terrible person they really are... So think Twice in Anger, Do I really mean what I am about to Type, or Text, Spoken Words are easily forgotten... Printed or typed words are rarely forgotten! I need to remember what is improtant, and that is to protect my fanily, and do whats best for me and my kids... I pray each and everyday that the damage I allowed them to do to my oldest child, that someday he will forgive me... Goodnight all! Sleep tight... and God Bless!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day..

Today was a beautiful day, filled with relaxation and the sense if appreciation for what I do, shown to me all day by my wonderful husband. I am not the type to nap, not out of necessity, just because I always have something to do. My day was filled with relaxation and napping... The best Mothers Day gift one could have. My daughter napped and was lazy with me all day.. My youngest, well he went about his normal free time play... I am truly blessed... I Hope all mothers out there today were able to find some moment of relaxation, because it will probably be next year before many of us see this again!! Tomorrow brings a new week, and many tasks already in the works to gear up for a very busy week.. God Bless!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Days To Weeks to Months...Time Flies...

Do you ever just stop everything without really thinking.. and then look around and wonder.. Why is everything going so fast?? As I get older and older, my kids are getting older and older...I really don't mind that I am getting older... but I hate the fact that they are getting older... My daughter is almost 14 1/2 as she puts it... I have a picture of her at about 3 on my desk, another one of her at 5 and her brother at 3 1/2 and I look at them now and it's mind boggling how fast time has really gone by... I sat down on the couch tonight and told her I needed a hug, that I missed how she used to sit on my lap and hug all over me... Being the sweetie that she is, she came and sat on my lap, all 5ft. 9in. of her, and I loved every minute of it. My baby will be a teenager next month.. So scary for me that he is the baby and he will soon be a teen... He will always be my baby!! My oldest will be 27 this year... he has grumbled may times that his brother and sister are spoiled, they get more name brand clothes, my income later in life has made it more affording for trips and vacations where he didn't see those things, but as I look back I remember so much that he had that my younger kids never got from me...I was home nearly every day of my sons young life...I worked but a normal work week... My career now is the work week of two people most of the time. Don't get me wrong, My kids always had a parent, we were fortunate that schedules of my husband and I were worked to where Daycare was not needed, but I know I have missed out on a lot. And there is Aarika, My beautiful step daughter, whom her and I have so much in common it's scary.. I truly believe that people are put people's life by God for a reason... I know that in my heart I have saved her from the heart ache and pain I had to go through as an adult...We are so blessed to have her back in our family...

Somewhere along the way I forgot about the things that I loved to do... Like write, just to write... It is such a feeling of expression.. I used to write poetry, short stories..and I think they were good...It's been along time. For Valentines Day this year I asked for a Nook, ( Barnes and Noble E-Book) I did get it and read right through a great book in the first week... I started a great second Novel... and I am still working on that... Finding that much needed hour a day to cleanse the mind with a good Novel is hard, but I am working on that... As I feel it is important... If you are not a reader I challenge you to become really is therapy for your soul...

I am working on each day to reflect on the value of the day and to really appreciate all that I have... My children are my greatest accomplishment.. I love them so much... All of them...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It is your Choice...

In today's world of Communication Technology...It is so easy to be rude to the person you are communicating with, I wonder sometimes if these people whom are so rude if they realize "How Rude they Are?" I have made the decision to refuse to verbally communicate to Rude People.. So If I say, This conversation is over because I don't choose to participate in such a Rude and Negative communication and terminate the Phone call after communicating that, This Does not mean I hung up on you, It simply means I choose not to participate in your Rudeness, so think about how you are talking to people and Find that place in your communication skills when you once could communicate politely and positively and let's get back to a Positive communication environment!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reaching For Your Power....

A Month or so ago I found myself in a very scary situation... One that could have ended very poorly to say the least. I was going about my "What has become a normal routine day" As a Real Estate Broker working in todays market, (that Routine Day has Changed drastically over the past few years....) I went to a Foreclosed home in "The Heart of Oakland" ( meaning if you are in this area, your heart is beating very hard and fast) when I was chased from a foreclosed home to my car.. I surprised myself as I really didn't know I could run that fast, but GOD was with me that day... If they would have caught me I shutter to think what could have happened. They proceded to beat on my car as I started it and got out of there... I was there to photograph a foreclosed home. Was bothering no one, but what they yelled at me as I ran, it was clear they did not want me taking picks in there "Neighborhood", of course they had a differant refferance to the Neighborhood, but I will stay politically correct.. I was very shaken to say the least, it was nearly 5 pm so I had a good commute ahead of me to make it back to my home town of Modesto... This gave me plenty of time to just think... And my thoughts simply took me to one question. Am I really Reaching for my true Power...? Is this all the better I can do?? The industry has taken Educated professionals and put their worth at just $65.00. I could lost my life, or at least life as I knew it over a $65.00 check... I knew right then that I needed to change the direction I was going... Real Estate is my passion... I love helping my clients sell or buy Real Estate.. I even love being able to counsel them through a Short Sale knowing I just helped them through what will probably be one of the worst times of there life... and somehow I made it easier... but to feel like a slave to these banks that have lowered our value so low, and put us at risk for little reward, I knew I could not continue to do this... I realized right then during that drive home, that I Needed to Reach Higher, I needed to gain My power Back, the power to "Feel in Control of my life", The power to know that have a choice and I can say no...That job today is not worth what your offering...Just because they assign it doesn't mean I have to do it.

I started thinking about all the opportunities that have past before me and that my intensity towards this ever changing market kept me from taking the time to see things.... I started realizing the things I wanted to explore and work on along side Real Estate... I realized that getting up didn't didn't have to feel like a cumbersome task. I have alwys been very self diciplined so no matter the mood, how I fealt I was the one whom always got there, and on time. I had developed a sort of numbness to get through this daily routine... FORECLOSURE>>> FORECLOSURE>>>More FORECLOSURES!!! Bank Asset managers that have no sense of caring, they have a bad day with one REO agent, we all get the E-Mail that so rudely attacks all of us, even if the incident pertains to none of us... I am so grateful for the work, but negativity, day in and day out can wear on you a bit... But I am still thinking about " There is got to be something out there that can help me "Reach For My Power".

I started once again my daily chats with GOD... Things had gotten really routine, but the one thing that was missing was my daily chats with GOD... I was still chatting, but those chats had dwindled to weekly at best... I felt a sense of calm as My mind he told me," you will find the avenue that you can add to your Real Estate Business... Take the opportunity slowly and it will come..." A few days later through a persistent friend of mine, that had heard my ranting of needing more in my life, called another friend and set up a lunch.. She brought to that Lunch the Opportunity of ACN...We talked for over a hour, she is a incredible women and I left that meeting thinking, can this be what I need. A powerful company to sink my heart and soul in, a business that goes side by side with my Real Estate Business... It felt right, It felt good... I felt a sense of excitement come over, and that felt good... SO I signed up, I am now a Real Estate Broker and A Independent Representative for ACN... I am building a team, and the best part is I am so excited about where this can take us...

Reaching for Your Power isn't just about "What kind of Money Can You Make in A lifetime", It is also about, " What Kind Of Person Do you Want to become over the Span of Your Lifetime? What Kind of Impact can you make in a child's life today? What kind of impression will you make as you walk passed a person you have never seen before, or whom you may never see again... Do you ever think about that everything you do Today, Can directly impact your life later... I think about these things every day now...This is why I have started my Blog, I want to be made responsible for my actions by writing down, the good and the bad of how I accomplished, During each Day, To Reach For My Power... I challenge you to think about this; " What can I do today that will impact my future? ; even as soon as Tomorrow..."

Please feel free to comment about your day and how your actions could influence you "Reaching For Your Power!"